A daily scrum (standup meeting) should be at the same time and location everyday.


I would highly recommend doing the standup as early in the day as possible, having said this don't have it at the very start of the working day i.e. If everyone in your team starts at 09:00 allow for lateness and for people to get settled and meet at 09:30 or 10. Having the scrum at the beginning of the day will serve as a reminder of the previous days work as well as (hopefully) motivating the team for the day ahead.

Fixed Time

Try and resist the temptation to move the daily standup if people are running late etc. This disrupts the whole team as they cannot focus on their work fully until the meeting is done. It could also lead to the daily standup being so flexible that it is abandoned completely! If people are not on time, they can update the team when they arrive. {jcomments on}